For renters in British Columbia

A middle aged couple laugh in an embrace as they sit on a couch in a modern living space

It can be hard to find a place to rent in the communities where people live and work. BC Builds is working to change that.

BC Builds will help middle-income British Columbians—such as teachers, nurses, transit operators, construction workers, small business owners, and others—find housing they can afford, in the communities where they live.

BC Builds is designed to create housing that is attainable for household incomes ranging from $84,780 to $131,950 for a studio or one-bedroom home or $134,410 to $191,910 for a two-bedroom home or larger, this will vary by community to reflect local incomes. The upper end of the income range will only be applicable in the highest income communities for 3- and 4-bedroom units. Those with incomes that fall within the lower end of these ranges are prioritized for a unit.

Rental rates for BC Builds homes will be determined through an analysis of incomes, average market rents, and development costs within the community. That means rents will differ from community to community, with a target of households spending no more than 30% of their income on rent. BC Builds projects owned and operated by non-profit societies, First Nations development corporations, or public entities, will have at least 20% of units set at 20% below market rates.

People who earn less than community middle income range annually will be eligible to live in a BC Builds studio or one-bedroom home however, they would likely pay more than 30% of their income toward the rent and may be better served by BC Housing’s affordable rental housing and rental subsidy programs that serve low-and moderate-income households. If you are looking for low-income or supportive housing through BC Housing, please visit

As BC Builds projects are completed in the coming years, rental opportunities will be managed by the non-profit and private developers operating the buildings. A list of completed projects that are accepting applications for their first tenants will be made available on this page.

The first BC Builds projects will begin construction in 2024 and be
ready to welcome residents in 2026.